Ananda Valley
What a welcome! Touchdown Portugal. After some windy roads through green valleys I arrived at the “Master Unit”.
You may ask what the heck is a…
What a welcome! Touchdown Portugal. After some windy roads through green valleys I arrived at the “Master Unit”.
You may ask what the heck is a…
Lush is the first word that comes to mind.
How did we get here? Uneventful is the answer. Motorway, service station, motorway, service station, motorway, cheap hotel, cafe, motorway… You get the gist…
Good old Fernando. Not only did he come all the way from Lanzarote to stand by me on the first leg of my journey into the great unknown, but he had a freshly cooked tortilla on the stove when Anna and myself arrived after the long ride back from Fusion…
I did consider the timing of the festival while planning this journey, yet to be honest, I didn’t give it much thought. The day arrived and it dawned on me…
All I own is here. I expected it to hit me once I did precisely that to the road ahead. “It” being a vague expectation of a stream of emotions which would most likely win a badge for an honourable display of diversity. Expectations are…