

“There is a before and there is an after.”

I have been to the source of all. I chose to come back. I chose to remember. Now I do. The question is, what to do knowing.

Every one knows. Most have chosen not to remember. Maybe that is the only way to experience fear. To really get to know fear.

Some have pointed out, that in this form of life as we experience it, if you’re willing to explore fear in it’s most fundamental form, you find fear of death. If that is true, then you can’t experience fear, when you know you cannot die. What dies is your body, or at least so it seems. In fact the body changes form, takes on different shapes, a different wave of energy. What dies is the “I” you now believe to be. And again, this is only part of the truth. Essentially nothing can be destroyed. Only change.

At the source all is one. Different expressions of it. We live this reality out of infinity. If you truly understand that you are not separate and part of everything, why fear death? You choose your experience. In that sense, you choose fear. There is nothing wrong with that. Fear wants to be experienced. What would be the point of creation if it wouldn’t be experienced?

It is my choice to experience what’s left in this scruffy body, in this particular universe, without my old companion. Fear that is. I burn with curiosity how that may unfold. I just woke up. I only just remembered.

Now, where to go first? Let the sun rise and find out!


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Lush is the first word that comes to mind.
How did we get here? Uneventful is the answer. Motorway, service station, motorway, service station, motorway, cheap hotel, cafe, motorway… You get the gist…

Asturias Read More »

A Souvenir

Good old Fernando. Not only did he come all the way from Lanzarote to stand by me on the first leg of my journey into the great unknown, but he had a freshly cooked tortilla on the stove when Anna and myself arrived after the long ride back from Fusion…

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Con Fusion

I did consider the timing of the festival while planning this journey, yet to be honest, I didn’t give it much thought. The day arrived and it dawned on me…

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Unreal Engine

All I own is here. I expected it to hit me once I did precisely that to the road ahead. “It” being a vague expectation of a stream of emotions which would most likely win a badge for an honourable display of diversity. Expectations are…

Unreal Engine Read More »

Success (poem by Henski) Resistance to unknow every last. Intangible at times withal dominance. A fabric of belief covers such comfort. Yet longing to be held and fulfilled once born. Succeeding you die.


Resistance to unknow every last.
Intangible at times withal dominance.
A fabric of belief covers such comfort.
Yet longing to be held and fulfilled once born.
Succeeding you die.

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