
(Featured image by Kamila Maciejewska on Unsplash)

Lush is the first word that comes to mind.
How did we get here? Uneventful is the answer. Motorway, service station, motorway, service station, motorway, cheap hotel, cafe, motorway… You get the gist.

Asturias was on my bucket list. Tick ✓. For obvious reasons if you know of my days of old. My first Spanish girlfriend Carmen was, she better still is, from here. Thanks to her I speak rather decent Castellano. Yet even without the very personal connection to this principality, one can’t bat help to be taken away by its beauty. Unless you hate, I beg you pardon for repeating myself, LUSH nature. In which case you’re screwed and I’d highly recommend to consult a therapist of your choice.

Asturias HQ was Oviedo which by a strange coincidence is also its capital. Our morning routine consisted in breakfast and testing Fernando for COVID as the result would have obvious implications for our day trips. Me myself having kicked the buy out of my system ahead.of landing here, was free to roam without further precautions. Good thing that Fernando wasn’t feeling ill and little cares nature about such humanly concerns. Day trips it was.

Exuberant green wherever the eyes reach. Mountains. Waterfalls. Pastures right up to the sandy beach. Did I say lush alreday? Dreamlike villages in between. Sprinkled with blue skys. According to locals one of the best weeks that the summer had seen on these shores.

I captured some of it for you to see. Please excuse the rather beige musical background for legal reasons.
(Maybe one of my musician and producer friends is willing to supply me with something closer to my heart? Yes you! You know Who I’m talking to.)

Finally Fernando tested negative. Time to visit his family. In my case only for one day. Time to move on. Adventure time.

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