Good old Fernando. Not only did he come all the way from Lanzarote to stand by me on the first leg of my journey into the great unknown, but he had a freshly cooked tortilla on the stove when Anna and myself arrived after the long ride back from Fusion.
To the close observer it would have been palpable that the verb “stand” does not make the slightest of sense in this context. We would be sitting on our bums for days to come. I believe this to be a preferable way of conduct in a Mini.
To show him my gratitude I gifted him with the freshly acquired COVID. To my defence, there was an absence of awareness involved that I was in the precious possession to begin with. And now what?
The pow-wow concluded to move the troops despite. We had a flat all to ourselves waiting for us in Oviedo for any necessary quarantine.
And so it starts.